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Monday, March 23, 2009

Dating Islamic Traditions

Dating Islamic persons is complicated. The dating Islamic traditions are associated with a number of rules and conditions such that even a modern Muslim couple find dating a hazardous route. There are hundreds of Islamic singles posted online. Islamic dating services have sprung up and maybe a sign that rigid rules and customs maybe loosening their hold slowly on modern Muslims.

The Prophet has said in the Quran, "Whenever a man is alone with a woman the Devil makes a third." The Quran segregates a man from a woman with whom he is not related. Instead of dating, a Muslim and Muslimah meet in a pre-arranged place (such as a room in the Mosque) with a chaperone or escort present in the room. The couple will discuss a marriage contract and ask questions of importance to them regarding marriage.

Muslims in Islamic countries marry through the intervention of their parents and families. Parents have the support of the community in finding spouses for their children. Word of mouth, relatives, and a social network make arranging marriages easier. Young person makes prayers to Allah to help him or her find the right person.

The family makes discrete enquiries and arranges suitable meetings. Couple agrees to meet in a chaperoned, group environment. Long investigations are made into the family and the character of the groom and the bride. Couples then agree to pursue marriage or part their ways. Dating Islamic has given this freedom of choice to both young men and women - they cannot be forced
into a marriage that they don't want

This type of courtship called Dating Islamic helps ensure the strength of the marriage, by drawing upon family involvement and guidance in this important life decision. Family involvement in the choice of a marriage partner helps assure that the choice is based not on romantic notions, but rather on a careful evaluation of the compatibility of the couple

Islam is totally against dating and premarital sex. Hence Muslims in foreign countries have evolved their own ways to pass by this restriction. Young American Muslims have come up with three novel solutions to dating - the first group practices Halal dating (permissive by Islam). The second group can be called as "Eid Muslims," who practice faith only on holidays and are haram (unlawful) dating practitioners who keep away from physical relations. The third group is the Free Birds. They are completely Haram and are open to premarital sex and monogamous relationships

Modern Dating Islamic is mainly in the form of Halal dating, where couples are introduced to each other, either by parents or friends. They spend time talking over the phone or on the Internet and even going on dates, though for strict Muslims, accompanied by escorts. Once they like each other, the couple is married under the Islamic law by signing a marriage contract. This event, called the nikah, is as binding as a marriage. The signing of the agreement allows them to spend more time together. In halal dating, a clear understanding exists between the man and the woman that they are committed to marrying each other. They view the other as a life partner and eventually will obtain a marriage license.
It is the growing popularity of Halal dating that has led to the mushrooming of Islamic singles and the Islamic dating services. Dating Islamic is designed in a special way so that no boy or girl is forced to marry without his or her consent and at the same time they obtain the blessings of the family.

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