Most of the married couples are facing the divorce case, thereby destroying their marriage certificates. Such marriages, deserves marriage counselling so as to save marriage. The question now is how can marriages avoid divorce? Most of the divorces are hasty actions taken due to giving way to emotional thinking, when we are inhibited from thinking rationally. How often does one think of the past, and the love that they had shared as newly married couple? Amazingly very rarely. We also see divorces applied for trivial reasons. If everyone knows the importance of avoiding divorce, and knows how can a marriage avoid a divorce, almost 75% of the them can be avoided. Majority of the marriages therefore needs marriage therapy.
Shattered Love
Problems in marriage is unavoidable, and there are bound to be misunderstandings. But love is the only factor that has no barriers whatsoever, and it is the one we have to look forward to get a relationship to work out well. But we during some stage of life prove that familiarity indeed breeds contempt. That is not actually hate but a point where are not ready to love the spouse. If true love exists then, every problem for anyone is seen as a common problem, and if we have factors like self esteem, pride, ego and such things crossing roads with love, which i call infidelity test that's when the slender string of love is under fire
So, how can a marriage avoid a divorce? See the spouse as the perfect soul mate you have seen him/her to be at the start of relationship. Weigh the traits of him that has made you happy, and the extent to which your soul mate has reciprocated your love. The anniversaries you have celebrated, the great times you have gad together and happy stuff you had shared as couple. Do you really want such lovable moments to be erased just because of the small incident that has induced wrong feelings? You can also perhaps consult a marriage counsellor for advice.
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