Bridal gowns in Eastern cultures are often far different than the traditional yards of white lace that characterize Western weddings. If you have chosen to celebrate your heritage by incorporating traditions from your culture, choosing a wedding dress that honors those traditions can make your special day more meaningful for both you and your entire family. Your aunt, grandmother or any other elder will be flattered and pleased that you care about the traditions and the family.
Asian and Oriental style weddings have been among the most popular 'themes' for the weddings over the past few years. For many brides and grooms, however, the decision to honor the traditions of their culture lies far deeper than simply wanting to be stylish. For them, choosing to respect and display the wedding rituals and rites from their heritage is a very real way of connecting with their roots - and of honoring their families. From the foods served at the wedding reception to whether or not the bride wears a wedding dress, every moment of the day may have some special significance to the Eastern bride and groom and their families.
Choosing A Wedding Dress for An Oriental WeddingWhile Westerners tend to think of 'Oriental' and 'Asian' as one culture, there are literally hundreds of regional cultures that make up the Asian world, and wedding traditions vary from Eastern culture to Eastern culture. Even within one country, you'll find dozens of variation of traditional Asian themes - and from country to country the differences between bridal gowns and wedding attire are as marked as they are between the Western and Eastern rituals.
The Chinese Bride often wears red to symbolize her joy on her wedding day. Traditional Chinese bridal gowns are lavishly embroidered with symbols of love, luck and fertility, often in gold thread. These days, many Chinese brides opt to wear a wedding dress in the Chinese tradition for the formal ceremony, then change to Western style bridal gowns later in the day at the reception
The Japanese Bride these days is as likely to wear a wedding dress with Western styling as her Western counterpart. It's traditional, however, for the Japanese bride to change her clothing throughout the day. Bridal gowns for Japanese brides often start with the traditional wedding kimono, a white shiro-maku, which the bride wears at the ceremony. At the reception, the bride wears a brightly patterned and embroidered uchikake kimono over the shiro-maku to denote her new status. It's not unusual for the Japanese bride to wear even more bride gowns as the day progresses, changing into more formal wear for various parts of the wedding reception
The Korean Bride traditionally dons the costume of a princess on her wedding day. Korean bridal gowns are elaborately layered and embroidered, and feature a red skirt and yellow jacket - the two traditional colors of joy and life. Like other Eastern cultures, Korean brides may change into a wedding dress at some point during the day to incorporate both Eastern and Western tradition into her wedding.
The Indian Bride has several different styles of bridal gowns from which to choose. The most popular is a sari with a wedding lehenga and choli. Traditional colors for Indian bride gowns are red, burgundy, pink and wine. Elaborately embellished and embroidered wedding cholis and lehengas may be made by the bride's family, or purchased from a specialty shop
The Vietnamese Bride who opts for a traditional Vietnamese wedding dress will wear a red and yellow ao dai - the traditional Vietnamese dress for women. The wedding ao dai is often elaborately embroidered with bright yellow patterns that denote happiness and prosperity.
Other Oriental cultures have their own wedding traditions regarding bridal gowns and dress. If you do decide that you'd like to honor your heritage - and your parents - by choosing a wedding dress that fits your culture, you might make a point of speaking with an older female relative about weddings and bridal gowns.
Your aunt, grandmother or other elder will be flattered and pleased that you care about the traditions and the family and you'll learn a great deal about your traditional colors and styles - and may even hear stories about your family that will help you feel closer than ever to your traditional roots.

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Monday, March 23, 2009
Dating Islamic Traditions
Dating Islamic persons is complicated. The dating Islamic traditions are associated with a number of rules and conditions such that even a modern Muslim couple find dating a hazardous route. There are hundreds of Islamic singles posted online. Islamic dating services have sprung up and maybe a sign that rigid rules and customs maybe loosening their hold slowly on modern Muslims.
The Prophet has said in the Quran, "Whenever a man is alone with a woman the Devil makes a third." The Quran segregates a man from a woman with whom he is not related. Instead of dating, a Muslim and Muslimah meet in a pre-arranged place (such as a room in the Mosque) with a chaperone or escort present in the room. The couple will discuss a marriage contract and ask questions of importance to them regarding marriage.
Muslims in Islamic countries marry through the intervention of their parents and families. Parents have the support of the community in finding spouses for their children. Word of mouth, relatives, and a social network make arranging marriages easier. Young person makes prayers to Allah to help him or her find the right person.
The family makes discrete enquiries and arranges suitable meetings. Couple agrees to meet in a chaperoned, group environment. Long investigations are made into the family and the character of the groom and the bride. Couples then agree to pursue marriage or part their ways. Dating Islamic has given this freedom of choice to both young men and women - they cannot be forced
into a marriage that they don't want
This type of courtship called Dating Islamic helps ensure the strength of the marriage, by drawing upon family involvement and guidance in this important life decision. Family involvement in the choice of a marriage partner helps assure that the choice is based not on romantic notions, but rather on a careful evaluation of the compatibility of the couple
Islam is totally against dating and premarital sex. Hence Muslims in foreign countries have evolved their own ways to pass by this restriction. Young American Muslims have come up with three novel solutions to dating - the first group practices Halal dating (permissive by Islam). The second group can be called as "Eid Muslims," who practice faith only on holidays and are haram (unlawful) dating practitioners who keep away from physical relations. The third group is the Free Birds. They are completely Haram and are open to premarital sex and monogamous relationships
Modern Dating Islamic is mainly in the form of Halal dating, where couples are introduced to each other, either by parents or friends. They spend time talking over the phone or on the Internet and even going on dates, though for strict Muslims, accompanied by escorts. Once they like each other, the couple is married under the Islamic law by signing a marriage contract. This event, called the nikah, is as binding as a marriage. The signing of the agreement allows them to spend more time together. In halal dating, a clear understanding exists between the man and the woman that they are committed to marrying each other. They view the other as a life partner and eventually will obtain a marriage license.
It is the growing popularity of Halal dating that has led to the mushrooming of Islamic singles and the Islamic dating services. Dating Islamic is designed in a special way so that no boy or girl is forced to marry without his or her consent and at the same time they obtain the blessings of the family.
The Prophet has said in the Quran, "Whenever a man is alone with a woman the Devil makes a third." The Quran segregates a man from a woman with whom he is not related. Instead of dating, a Muslim and Muslimah meet in a pre-arranged place (such as a room in the Mosque) with a chaperone or escort present in the room. The couple will discuss a marriage contract and ask questions of importance to them regarding marriage.
Muslims in Islamic countries marry through the intervention of their parents and families. Parents have the support of the community in finding spouses for their children. Word of mouth, relatives, and a social network make arranging marriages easier. Young person makes prayers to Allah to help him or her find the right person.
The family makes discrete enquiries and arranges suitable meetings. Couple agrees to meet in a chaperoned, group environment. Long investigations are made into the family and the character of the groom and the bride. Couples then agree to pursue marriage or part their ways. Dating Islamic has given this freedom of choice to both young men and women - they cannot be forced
into a marriage that they don't want
This type of courtship called Dating Islamic helps ensure the strength of the marriage, by drawing upon family involvement and guidance in this important life decision. Family involvement in the choice of a marriage partner helps assure that the choice is based not on romantic notions, but rather on a careful evaluation of the compatibility of the couple
Islam is totally against dating and premarital sex. Hence Muslims in foreign countries have evolved their own ways to pass by this restriction. Young American Muslims have come up with three novel solutions to dating - the first group practices Halal dating (permissive by Islam). The second group can be called as "Eid Muslims," who practice faith only on holidays and are haram (unlawful) dating practitioners who keep away from physical relations. The third group is the Free Birds. They are completely Haram and are open to premarital sex and monogamous relationships
Modern Dating Islamic is mainly in the form of Halal dating, where couples are introduced to each other, either by parents or friends. They spend time talking over the phone or on the Internet and even going on dates, though for strict Muslims, accompanied by escorts. Once they like each other, the couple is married under the Islamic law by signing a marriage contract. This event, called the nikah, is as binding as a marriage. The signing of the agreement allows them to spend more time together. In halal dating, a clear understanding exists between the man and the woman that they are committed to marrying each other. They view the other as a life partner and eventually will obtain a marriage license.
It is the growing popularity of Halal dating that has led to the mushrooming of Islamic singles and the Islamic dating services. Dating Islamic is designed in a special way so that no boy or girl is forced to marry without his or her consent and at the same time they obtain the blessings of the family.
Moslem marriage culture
Main characteristics of Muslim marriage culture are consent of the competent parties, presence of witnesses and dower (Mehr) to wife. No ceremony or ritual is required for a valid Muslim marriage contract. However, Muslims observe colourful marriage customs is different parts of the world depending upon their local cultures. Most of the wedding customs are innocent in nature while some are against basic principles of Islamic marriage jurisprudence.
You know the Muslim marriages are famous for the best in inviting and welcoming the guests. This kind of Muslim marriage culture provides people a chance to entertain guests in bulk and strengthen their social bonds. Not only bride, groom and their families but also neighbors and their friends enjoy marriage event with different rituals.
Muslim marriage culture is famous for the best in inviting and welcoming the guests. Wedding customs give them a chance to entertain guests in bulk. Muslim marriage can take place at any convenient time. Also the marriage venue can be the bride or groom’s house.
Common Features
You may contract a marriage at any place and time in Muslim marriage culture. Some prefer night hours but there is no legal or religious restriction. Marriage may take place at any venue including bride or groom’s house. However, generally the wedding ceremony takes place at bride’s place. Following common practices are observed in Muslim marriage culture:
Welcoming the Marriage ProcessionIf you are a groom, you are supposed to go to the bride’s house with your friends and family in the shape of a marriage procession which is called ‘Barat’ in India and Pakistan. The bride’s family receives the procession with a warm welcome. The sisters and female cousins of the bride may play a number of welcoming games to enjoy marriage event. You are required to offer them gifts in certain situations. They offer milk to the groom and demand some gift which the groom generally pays with cash. Similarly, you should be watchful as some girls may hide your shoes for some gift. Such naughty games add a lot of color to the marriage event.
Delivery of SermonThe wedding ceremony starts with delivery of a sermon by a Qazi or Imam. Though his services are not required at all for a valid Muslim marriage contract but traditionally no Muslim marriage is conducted without such a sermon. In Pakistan Nikah registrars not only register the marriages but also deliver the sermon. It not only gives a sacred character to the marriage but also helps the families to announce the marriage. A sermon may even be delivered by someone from the families of bride or groom.
Generally, the Qazi or Imam recites following verses from Quran:
“Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in God. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.” (Quran 3:101 Abdullah Yusuf Ali)
“O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single life, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence God, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for God ever watches over you.” (Quran 4:01)
“O, you who believe! Fear God, and (always) say a word directed to the Right. That He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your sins: He that obeys God and His Apostle, has already attained the highest achievement.” (Quran 33:70, 71 Abdullah Yusuf Ali)
The sermon concludes with the announcement of the marriage with the necessary formalities such as ijab (offer) and qubul (acceptance) and Mehr.
Marriage Party by Bride’s FatherAfter wedding ceremony, the father of bride offers some drinks or food as per his financial capacity. There is a law in Pakistan which prohibits heavy spending on such marriage parties. If the bride’s father does not offer a lunch or a dinner, the groom or his family has no right to ask the same.
Welcoming of BrideWhen the groom brings the bride to his home for the first time, the whole family, close relatives and the neighbors welcome the bride and offer gifts and cash. The mother and sisters of the groom play a number of colorful games.
Valimah (Marriage Party)
Valima is a name given to Muslim marriage feast which is offered by the groom on the next day of marriage. Some claim it a Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) and it is used to announce the marriage. The relatives, neighbors and friends are invited. However, lavish spending should be avoided. In a Muslim marriage culture, the husband welcomes the male guests and wife welcomes the female guests. Then they mingle with their respective gatherings.
You know the Muslim marriages are famous for the best in inviting and welcoming the guests. This kind of Muslim marriage culture provides people a chance to entertain guests in bulk and strengthen their social bonds. Not only bride, groom and their families but also neighbors and their friends enjoy marriage event with different rituals.
Muslim marriage culture is famous for the best in inviting and welcoming the guests. Wedding customs give them a chance to entertain guests in bulk. Muslim marriage can take place at any convenient time. Also the marriage venue can be the bride or groom’s house.
Common Features
You may contract a marriage at any place and time in Muslim marriage culture. Some prefer night hours but there is no legal or religious restriction. Marriage may take place at any venue including bride or groom’s house. However, generally the wedding ceremony takes place at bride’s place. Following common practices are observed in Muslim marriage culture:
Welcoming the Marriage ProcessionIf you are a groom, you are supposed to go to the bride’s house with your friends and family in the shape of a marriage procession which is called ‘Barat’ in India and Pakistan. The bride’s family receives the procession with a warm welcome. The sisters and female cousins of the bride may play a number of welcoming games to enjoy marriage event. You are required to offer them gifts in certain situations. They offer milk to the groom and demand some gift which the groom generally pays with cash. Similarly, you should be watchful as some girls may hide your shoes for some gift. Such naughty games add a lot of color to the marriage event.
Delivery of SermonThe wedding ceremony starts with delivery of a sermon by a Qazi or Imam. Though his services are not required at all for a valid Muslim marriage contract but traditionally no Muslim marriage is conducted without such a sermon. In Pakistan Nikah registrars not only register the marriages but also deliver the sermon. It not only gives a sacred character to the marriage but also helps the families to announce the marriage. A sermon may even be delivered by someone from the families of bride or groom.
Generally, the Qazi or Imam recites following verses from Quran:
“Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in God. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.” (Quran 3:101 Abdullah Yusuf Ali)
“O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single life, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence God, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for God ever watches over you.” (Quran 4:01)
“O, you who believe! Fear God, and (always) say a word directed to the Right. That He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your sins: He that obeys God and His Apostle, has already attained the highest achievement.” (Quran 33:70, 71 Abdullah Yusuf Ali)
The sermon concludes with the announcement of the marriage with the necessary formalities such as ijab (offer) and qubul (acceptance) and Mehr.
Marriage Party by Bride’s FatherAfter wedding ceremony, the father of bride offers some drinks or food as per his financial capacity. There is a law in Pakistan which prohibits heavy spending on such marriage parties. If the bride’s father does not offer a lunch or a dinner, the groom or his family has no right to ask the same.
Welcoming of BrideWhen the groom brings the bride to his home for the first time, the whole family, close relatives and the neighbors welcome the bride and offer gifts and cash. The mother and sisters of the groom play a number of colorful games.
Valimah (Marriage Party)
Valima is a name given to Muslim marriage feast which is offered by the groom on the next day of marriage. Some claim it a Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) and it is used to announce the marriage. The relatives, neighbors and friends are invited. However, lavish spending should be avoided. In a Muslim marriage culture, the husband welcomes the male guests and wife welcomes the female guests. Then they mingle with their respective gatherings.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Polygamy and Other African Tribal Customs
Polygamy is a main feature of African tribal customs…
Christianity and Western values are influencing the African society for monogamous relationships. However, Islamic permission for polygamy has strengthened the African tribal customs in this regard. The statistics show that 36% women in rural areas and 24% women in urban areas have to accept polygamous marriages.
Most of the women prefer monogamous marriages to acquire importance with their husbands and to avoid pressures and jealousies of the previous wives. However, it is wrong to say that Islam has caused polygamy in Africa. The ancient African tribal customs prove that polygamy had been prevailing in the African countries for centuries.
Some claim that polygamy in Africa is result of marriage in teenage. Some point out that polygamy is result of age-gaps between husband and first wife. Some others even claim that African women accept polygamous marriages to get protection of the wealthy and influential married people.
In eight out of our eleven countries, the proneness to marriage in early ages is in varying degree. Incidentally the uneducated women not only prefer to marry early but also involve in polygamous relations. On the other hand the girls in schools prefer to delay their marriage for a significant time. The educated women also reject polygamous marriages and prefer to be single wives of their husbands. They don’t like to become junior wives to the less educated or previous wives.
Analysis show that the African women getting education have to face a short marriage market for a compatible husband. Some allege that such situations the women prefer prohibited relationships with older husbands of worth, hoping that their roles as "outside wives" will help them advance into superior social echelons
Christianity and Western values are influencing the African society for monogamous relationships. However, Islamic permission for polygamy has strengthened the African tribal customs in this regard. The statistics show that 36% women in rural areas and 24% women in urban areas have to accept polygamous marriages.
Most of the women prefer monogamous marriages to acquire importance with their husbands and to avoid pressures and jealousies of the previous wives. However, it is wrong to say that Islam has caused polygamy in Africa. The ancient African tribal customs prove that polygamy had been prevailing in the African countries for centuries.
Some claim that polygamy in Africa is result of marriage in teenage. Some point out that polygamy is result of age-gaps between husband and first wife. Some others even claim that African women accept polygamous marriages to get protection of the wealthy and influential married people.
In eight out of our eleven countries, the proneness to marriage in early ages is in varying degree. Incidentally the uneducated women not only prefer to marry early but also involve in polygamous relations. On the other hand the girls in schools prefer to delay their marriage for a significant time. The educated women also reject polygamous marriages and prefer to be single wives of their husbands. They don’t like to become junior wives to the less educated or previous wives.
Analysis show that the African women getting education have to face a short marriage market for a compatible husband. Some allege that such situations the women prefer prohibited relationships with older husbands of worth, hoping that their roles as "outside wives" will help them advance into superior social echelons
Muslim Marriage Culture
Main characteristics of Muslim marriage culture are consent of the competent parties, presence of witnesses and dower (Mehr) to wife. No ceremony or ritual is required for a valid Muslim marriage contract. However, Muslims observe colourful marriage customs is different parts of the world depending upon their local cultures. Most of the wedding customs are innocent in nature while some are against basic principles of Islamic marriage jurisprudence.
You know the Muslim marriages are famous for the best in inviting and welcoming the guests. This kind of Muslim marriage culture provides people a chance to entertain guests in bulk and strengthen their social bonds. Not only bride, groom and their families but also neighbors and their friends enjoy marriage event with different rituals
Muslim marriage culture is famous for the best in inviting and welcoming the guests. Wedding customs give them a chance to entertain guests in bulk. Muslim marriage can take place at any convenient time. Also the marriage venue can be the bride or groom’s house.
Common Features
You may contract a marriage at any place and time in Muslim marriage culture. Some prefer night hours but there is no legal or religious restriction. Marriage may take place at any venue including bride or groom’s house. However, generally the wedding ceremony takes place at bride’s place. Following common practices are observed in Muslim marriage culture:
Welcoming the Marriage Procession
If you are a groom, you are supposed to go to the bride’s house with your friends and family in the shape of a marriage procession which is called ‘Barat’ in India and Pakistan. The bride’s family receives the procession with a warm welcome. The sisters and female cousins of the bride may play a number of welcoming games to enjoy marriage event. You are required to offer them gifts in certain situations. They offer milk to the groom and demand some gift which the groom generally pays with cash. Similarly, you should be watchful as some girls may hide your shoes for some gift. Such naughty games add a lot of color to the marriage event
Delivery of Sermon
The wedding ceremony starts with delivery of a sermon by a Qazi or Imam. Though his services are not required at all for a valid Muslim marriage contract but traditionally no Muslim marriage is conducted without such a sermon. In Pakistan Nikah registrars not only register the marriages but also deliver the sermon. It not only gives a sacred character to the marriage but also helps the families to announce the marriage. A sermon may even be delivered by someone from the families of bride or groom
Generally, the Qazi or Imam recites following verses from Quran:
“Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in God. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.” (Quran 3:101 Abdullah Yusuf Ali)
“O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single life, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence God, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for God ever watches over you.” (Quran 4:01
“O, you who believe! Fear God, and (always) say a word directed to the Right. That He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your sins: He that obeys God and His Apostle, has already attained the highest achievement.” (Quran 33:70, 71 Abdullah Yusuf Ali)
The sermon concludes with the announcement of the marriage with the necessary formalities such as ijab (offer) and qubul (acceptance) and Mehr.
Some Funny Marriage Quotes
• “My advice to you is to get married. If you find a good wife, you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher”. - Socrate
• “Why a woman gets a longer, happy and tension free life? Because she does not have a wife.” A recent SMS message on cells in Pakistan from unknown developers
• "I love being married. It's so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."- Rita Rudner
• "I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry." – Rita Rudner
• Marriage is the alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays and the other who never forgets.” - Ogden Nash
• “Adam and Eve had an ideal marriage. He didn't have to hear about all the men she could have married... and she didn't have to hear about how well his Mother cooked.” – From Unknown Source
• A friend recently told us about a twenty-fifth-anniversary party where the husband gave a toast and said, "The key to our success is very simple. Within minutes after every fight, one of us says, 'I'm sorry, Sally'."- Jefferson Machamer
• "My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met." – Rodney Dangerfield
• "A married man should forget his mistakes; no use two people remembering the same thing." – Duane Dewel
• "Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe." – Funny Marriage Quote from Jackie Mason
• ”Politics doesn't make strange bedfellows, marriage does.” – Funny Marriage Quote from Groucho Marx
• ”When a woman steals your husband, there is no better revenge than to let her keep him.” – Unknown
• ”The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.” – Henry Youngman
• "I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I didn't want to interrupt her." – Rodney Dangerfield.
• "I've had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the second one didn't." – Patrick Murray
• "When you see what some girls marry, you realize how much they must hate to work for a living." – Helen Rowland
• "What ought to be done to the man who invented the celebrating of anniversaries? Mere killing would be too light." – Mark Twain
• "In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker." - Woody Allen
• A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short” – Funny Marriage Quotes from Andre Maurois
• Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the 'Y' becomes silent! – Funny Marriage Quotes from Unknown source
• Marriage is the wastepaper basket of the emotions. – Funny Marriage Quotes from Erma Bombeck
• There is a time for all things, Except Marriage my dear. – Funny Marriage Quotes from Thomas Chatterton
• Only one marriage I regret. I remember after I got that marriage license I went across from the license bureau to a bar for a drink. The bartender said, 'What will you have, sir?' And I said, 'A glass of hemlock.' - Ernest Hemingway
• “Why a woman gets a longer, happy and tension free life? Because she does not have a wife.” A recent SMS message on cells in Pakistan from unknown developers
• "I love being married. It's so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."- Rita Rudner
• "I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry." – Rita Rudner
• Marriage is the alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays and the other who never forgets.” - Ogden Nash
• “Adam and Eve had an ideal marriage. He didn't have to hear about all the men she could have married... and she didn't have to hear about how well his Mother cooked.” – From Unknown Source
• A friend recently told us about a twenty-fifth-anniversary party where the husband gave a toast and said, "The key to our success is very simple. Within minutes after every fight, one of us says, 'I'm sorry, Sally'."- Jefferson Machamer
• "My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met." – Rodney Dangerfield
• "A married man should forget his mistakes; no use two people remembering the same thing." – Duane Dewel
• "Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe." – Funny Marriage Quote from Jackie Mason
• ”Politics doesn't make strange bedfellows, marriage does.” – Funny Marriage Quote from Groucho Marx
• ”When a woman steals your husband, there is no better revenge than to let her keep him.” – Unknown
• ”The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.” – Henry Youngman
• "I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I didn't want to interrupt her." – Rodney Dangerfield.
• "I've had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the second one didn't." – Patrick Murray
• "When you see what some girls marry, you realize how much they must hate to work for a living." – Helen Rowland
• "What ought to be done to the man who invented the celebrating of anniversaries? Mere killing would be too light." – Mark Twain
• "In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker." - Woody Allen
• A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short” – Funny Marriage Quotes from Andre Maurois
• Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the 'Y' becomes silent! – Funny Marriage Quotes from Unknown source
• Marriage is the wastepaper basket of the emotions. – Funny Marriage Quotes from Erma Bombeck
• There is a time for all things, Except Marriage my dear. – Funny Marriage Quotes from Thomas Chatterton
• Only one marriage I regret. I remember after I got that marriage license I went across from the license bureau to a bar for a drink. The bartender said, 'What will you have, sir?' And I said, 'A glass of hemlock.' - Ernest Hemingway
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